
Year 2’s Trip to Lovania – 21st May 2024

Year 2’s Trip to Lovania – 21st May 2024

On Tuesday Year 2 went to visit Lovania nurseries as a wonderful finale to their Science topic of plants.

The weather was amazing and they enjoyed the walk, singing on the way, even seeing cows and chickens. They met Tim who spoke about Lovania- they produce 30 million plants a year sold to supermarkets and garden centres around the UK. They went into the glasshouses with Neil, he said Lovania started in 1980 just growing lettuces and today there are 9 sites growing 8 million plants at a time. Y2 planted plug plants of succulents into pots and watered them which they were able to bring home. They thought it was very funny when the automatic sprinklers switched on and soaked them! Neil commented on how well they behaved and said they were a credit to the school.
